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Ari Wallach - The Longpath

Dystopia Positioning System

The Great American Freak-Out and How to Address It

How Media Consumption Has Changed Over the Last Decade (2011-2021)

Visual Capitalist

This is so obvious and at the same time so frequently overlooked. Whatever social dynamic we want to examine – from decreasing trust to loss of agency – we should always consider that it involves people who now spend a large majority of their time (11.1 hours a day in the US) staring at screens.

New brave world: the power, opportunities and potential of pop culture for social change in the UK

The first five minutes of the future

“The First Five Minutes of the Future” is a new future forecasting game developed by Institute for the Future’s Director of Game Research and Development, Jane McGonigal.

Republicans are framing climate action as "un-American" in the most genius way

Is democracy doomed to fail us in the long term?

New Deep Narratives: we need new stories of what it means to be human

The Unfinished Global Revolution

Une vision pour les mondes de demain

Utopia For Realists

“Utopia For Realists” by Rutger Bregman

“A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which Humanity is always landing. And when Humanity lands there, it looks out, and, seeing a better country, sets sail. Progress is the realisation of Utopias.”

What Makes a Happy Country?

The New York Times

‘Finland, for the fourth consecutive year, topped a list of countries evaluated on the well-being of their inhabitants. “Really?” Finns ask.’



Narratopias: Imagine the Worlds We Want

Plurality University Network

“From all sides, the same call emerges: “We need new narratives”, to make imaginable, and therefore possible the – social, ecological – transitions that we need in order to live together.”


Iggy Pop - The Endless Sea.


Technological vs. Mythical

From Technological vs Mythical

Étienne Klein and "nuance"

Étienne Klein on France TV

“People who speak without nuance give the impression of being right”, says the philosopher Étienne Klein. Indeed, according to him, the nuance is intimately linked to doubt, uncertainty and prudence. “We know very well that it is not in the most extreme positions that we find the truth, but in overlaps, in superimpositions, in nuance”, he explains. Social networks, enemies of nuance? For the philosopher of science, there is a tendency to be more extreme on social media. Conversely, individuals who exchange face to face will be more nuanced. “In other words, when you are physically in front of someone, the nuance returns”, he specifies. He adds: “Me, I was insulted on social networks by people I ended up meeting, they were absolutely charming”. A language crisis? Also, Étienne Klein raises a language crisis. “That is to say, we talk a lot with slogans, or proclaiming a slogan and thinking, these are two completely different things”, he explains. Indeed, he considers that we “spoil” the language in particular by our use of short sentences and often deprived of a constructed argument. “We provoke clashes rather than leaving room for nuance precisely and the truth is undoubtedly not easy to say”, explains Étienne Klein.

The Ministry for the Future

“The Ministry of Future”

Kim Stanley Robinson

“There is no other home for us than here. That we will cope no matter how stupid things get. That all couples are odd couples. That the only catastrophe that can’t be undone is extinction. That we can make a good place. That people can take their fate in their hands. That there is no such thing as fate”.”


Granta 146: The Politics of Feeling

Granta 146: The Politics of Feeling

Guest-edited by Devorah Baum and Josh Appignanesi

“If extreme feelings are a contagion within the political cultures of today, so too is the spread of a kind of affectlessness, as if we’re starting to resemble the very technologies that threaten to replace us.”

What Are the Cultural Revolution’s Lessons for Our Current Moment?

The New Yorker. January 25, 2021.

“The great question of China’s Maoist experiment now looms over the United States: Why did a powerful society suddenly start destroying itself?”

Nobel Prize for Literature 2018 Olga Tokarczuk

Awarded “for a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic passion represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life”

Finding Virtue in the Virtual

Case History 04

Suggested by Victoire Maurel. April 25, 2021.

Le Sardine

Case History 03

Suggested by Victoire Maurel. April 24, 2021.

Sunrise Movement

Case History 02

Suggested by Victoire Maurel. April 23, 2021.


Case History 01

Suggested by Victoire Maurel. April 22, 2021.

Operation Libero

Staying with the Trouble

If then

Jill Lepore

“If then”


Democracy and Truth

The Age of Earthquakes

Shumon Basar, Douglas Coupland, Hans Ulrich Obrist

“The Age of Earthquakes”

Distracted: Reclaiming focus in a world of lost attention

Smart Phones : une enquête anthropologique

Où suis-je ?

Bruno Latour

“Où suis-je?”

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